随着经济的发展 ,我国知识产权法所保护的对象呈现出横跨商标、专利、著作权等几个领域的趋势。依据法律规定 ,商标可以每 1 0年续展一次 ,所以对商标权的保护可无限期的延长 ,商标所涉及的领域越来越广泛 ,诸如“作品名称、域名”等被作为商标注册 ,由于在这些领域内缺乏明确的法律规定 ,处理时往往比较棘手 。
With economic development, the protecting project of China's intellectual proper ty is crossing the trademark right, patent right and copyright in several domain s. According to the regulations of Trademark Law, any trademark can be extended one time every ten years which means that period of trademark protecting can be extended unlimitedly. Therefor ,the areas of trademark involved are more abroad, such as names of works and dot com names registered as trademarks. Since there are lack of explicit law regulations in these areas, it is difficult to protect the intellectual property in these new areas. The article discusses some issues concerning how to protect works' name property and whether the non-copyright pe rsons can register trademark.
Journal of Beijing Economic Management Institute