环境是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础 .为了实现可持续发展 ,人们对环境预测、评价和规划提出来更高的要求 .由于环境预测、评价与规划是一项很复杂的过程 ,而GIS这门新兴的综合学科在环境预测、规划等方面具有独特的优势 ,所以 ,本文对现行环境影响评价及环境规划中存在的问题、GIS功能及实现代目标、GIS优势在环境影响评价与规划中优势的发挥三个方面进行论述 。
To realize the sustainable development, the stricter requirement is imposed on the environmental quality assessment and planning. It is a very complex process to assess the environmental quality and plan the environment. While GIS has special advantage in solving it. This paper discusses the problems existing in the present environmental quality assessment and planning, the function and final goal of GIS, the application of GIS to environmental quality assessment and planning. Finally, it concludes that GIS is the best and the most effective method to solve the environmental problems.
Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University