为了保证高扬程离心泵组启动造压和事故情况下水击防护 ,万家寨引黄工程采用了当前国内公称口径DN与设计压力PN之积最大的高压液压控制可分阶段关闭蝶阀。主要对这种阀门的设计和使用进行介绍 ,供今后类似工程设计参考。
The Hydraulic operation butterfly vales with the conuter weight have been successfully applied to the Shanxi Province Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project(YRDPC)in order toassure the start up of the pump motor set under the back pressure of pump outlet.As the more important protect measurements to water hammer under emergency conditions,the valve can be automatically closed with two steps.This article mainly introduces the design and application situation,it would be as reference for other similar project in the future.
Design of Water Resources & Hydroelectric Engineering