采用图形叠置法评价铁路线路对周围环境的噪声影响 ,用噪声综合影响面积来反映影响大小 ,对各种线路方案噪声影响程度进行排序。所得结论应用到铁路线路的方案比选过程中 ,有助于选择出对环境噪声影响“最小”的方案 ,实现铁路建设和环境保护相协调的目标。评价中引入地理信息系统 ,充分利用其空间分析和处理属性数据的功能 ,大大提高了工作的效率和结论的准确程度。
Graph overlay method is used in route alignment noise impact assessment.Each route alignment noise comprehensive impact area is calculated.The result could act as reference in the route alignment optimal selection and make for realizing harmonious development between railway construction and surrounding environment.In this process,(Geographic) Information System with its powerful function of handling attributes and spatial analysis is adopted,which improves the effciency and the reliability greatly.