One weakness in Halliday's (1994) analysis of metaphorical expressions in English is revealed in his much-used description of these expressions. This paper argues that the weakness can be avoided in the integrated model of congruent and metaphorical analyses or Metaphorical-Congruent Analysis(MC Analysis). This model attempts to analyze part or whole of linguistic meanings. More importantly, it offers a fresh perspective to functional analyses thus far available. Different from the treatments in the literature to date, the MC Analysis serves at least six functions. First, it puts thematic analysis in existential process as in There was a cat on the mat into two organic layers: metaphorically, there is Theme and the rest Rheme; congruently. Theme is a cat, Rheme is was and on the mat, with there empty here, thus revealing the duality of there (Theme/non-Theme), was (part or non-part of the emphatic element there be), and a cat (Rheme/Theme). Second, it sees metaphorically It in It was his teacher who persuaded him to continue as Theme and what follows It as Rheme while congruently his teacher is taken as Theme and persuaded him to continue as Rheme. Third, it reveals the likely semantic weakening of It and is/'s, namely, departicipantization and deproces-sization respectively as in It's raining and It's foggy. Fourth, it turns into one whole the analyses of off as 'Adjunct' (Halliday 1994) and as 'Main Verb Extension' (Fawcett 1995) in They called the meeting off and shows how these two meanings interact. Fifth, it demonstrates how its organic double layer analysis contributes to participant analysis of ' Actor', 'Recipient' and 'Goal' in Give generously. Finally, it shows the duality of process type in He is capable of reading it.
Modern Foreign Languages