分析了国内目前超硬材料行业的现状 ,介绍了在发展两面顶技术方面所开展的工作及取得的进展 ,尤其是在 2 5 MN合成工艺的基础之上成功开发出 30 MN金刚石合成工艺。 30 MN合成工艺的成功将有助于提高金刚石质量 ,开发附加值更高的超硬材料产品。因此 ,虽然两面顶技术难度大 ,风险大 。
The present status of the domestic superhard material industry was analyzed in this paper. It mainly introduced the work we have done to improve the belt equipment technology and the progress we have made in the area. Especially we have succeeded in the synthesis technology with the 30MN belt equipment which was made by our native mechanical manufacturer .The achievement will help to improve the quality of diamond and will lead to the advance in producing other superhard materials with extra value added to them. Therefore, despite of the big technological barriers and the great ventures involving, the belt equipment technology has the outstanding advantage of producing high quality products.
Jewellery Science and Technology