司法独立作为现代法治的一项基本原则 ,是司法现代化的形式合理性表征 ,是衡量一个国家法治文明程度的重要标尺。以司法现代化为视角 ,考察 2 0世纪中国司法独立的百年曲折历程 ,勾勒近现代中国司法独立思想的形成与确立 ;从清末变法修律这一司法现代化的历史起点 ,探讨中国司法独立的制度发端及其得失 ;分析其内在矛盾及其制约因素。当代中国的司法独立历经了勃兴与衰落、反思与改革、重构与进步的艰难发展历程。透过这世纪沉浮 ,折射出司法独立的思想与制度变迁脉络 ,从而揭示这一变迁的实质和内在规律性。
As a fundamental principle, judicial independence is the token of formal reasonableness of judicial modernization, and an important staff for testing the degree of legal civilization of a country. From the perspective of judicial modernization, by reviewing the hundred-year devious course of the judicial independence of China in the 20th century, the formation and establishment of the idea of the judicial independence in modern China has been outlined. The origin of the Chinese judicial independence and the success and failure thereof has been discussed from the historical start of judicial modernization concerning the modification of laws and regulations at the end of Qing Dynasty. The inherent conflicts and restricting factors will be analyzed. The judicial independence of modern China has gone through its blossom and decline, reflection and reformation, reconstruction and progress. The century vicissitude reflects the skeleton of the idea of judicial independence and the system evolution, and shows the essence and inherent law of the evolution.
Tribune of Political Science and Law
"十五"国家社会科学基金项目<中国司法文化的传统与现代化研究>(项目批准号 0 3BFX0 11)的阶段性研究成果之一