目的 提高《河南职工医学院学报》刊载论文的数量、质量。方法 利用文献计量学对《河南职工医学院学报》2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年所刊载的论文及作者进行统计分析。结果 该刊篇幅密度高 ,信息量大 ,设计学科广泛 ;论文作者以中年人居多 ,高学历、高职称人才多。结论 论文数量、质量、呈稳步增长趋势。还应增强研究的连续性、深度 :增强跨地域、跨系统的群体合作。
Objective To Improve the quality and quantity of thesis in 《Henan Medical College for Staff and Workers》.Methods All the medical thesis and their authors in 《Henan Medical College for Staff and Workers》 from 2000 to 2003 were statistically analyzed according to literature computation.Results The amount of the articles and information in this journal was large and more,and the articles involved different subjects.The most authors are middle aged,and they had good educational background and higher professional level.Conclusions The quantity of medical scientific research thesis is increasing,but their study continuity and depth should be improved,and transreginal and trans-orgnizational cooperation should be strengh-thened.
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers