柏拉图的《理想国》就是一部“正义论”。柏拉图在探寻国家正义的过程中 ,从可经验的个人正义开始 ,通过理性的归纳 ,引导人们到对国家正义的认识上 ,提出国家的正义就是和谐与秩序。但是 ,国家正义在内容的体现上 ,又完全在于其公民的政治素质。与智慧、勇敢、节制相对应的三个阶层的划分及其各安其分、各尽其责 ,这既是国家正义的体现 ,又是国家之所以正义的条件。同时 ,这三个阶层的共同目标是实现国家的伦理目的 ,每个公民都应该为这个目标的实现而遵循自身的正义。柏拉图正义论的鲜明特征是方法论上的整体主义与价值观上的国家主义。
The Republic by Plato is an exposition of justice which proposes that justice of the state exists in harmony and order.The realization of state justice is dependent on the political qualities of citizens.The classification of three social stratums corresponding to wisdom,bravery and restraint is both the reflection of and the condition for state justice.The common purpose of the three stratums is to reach the ethical integrity of the state.Plato's exposition is characterized by the theory of entirety and the theory of state.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)