
贸易与环境实证研究综述 被引量:1

A Review of Empirical Research Literature on Trade and Environment
摘要 在过去 10年中 ,贸易与环境问题越来越成为学术界和大众关注的热点。贸易与环境问题的复杂性和可靠数据的缺乏限制了贸易与环境的实证研究。该文首先综述了贸易与环境实证研究的背景、主要方向和进展 ;然后总结了研究的主要方法和观点 ;最后简要表明作者的观点。该文围绕两个问题进行 :①环境政策对国内产业和贸易的影响 ;②贸易与环境的联系 ,贸易政策对环境的影响。 For the past 10 years,links between international trade and the environment have been an increasingly common topic in both academic and popular literature. The complexity of the issue and the absence of reliable data have limited the empirical research of trade and the environment. The paper first reviews the background,the directions and the development of the empirical research,then sums up the main approaches and views concerning the research,and finally draws a brief conclusion of the authors' own,focusing on two issues of trade and the environment:(1) the impact of environmental policies on domestic industries and the trade,and (2) the connection between trade and the environment and the effect of trade policies on the environment.
出处 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第1期52-57,共6页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
基金 北京林业大学人才专项课题资助 (项目编号 :2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 9)
关键词 贸易 环境 综述 trade environment review
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