叙述了数控技术和 CAD 在二维数控切割机床中的应用,介绍了信息采集(包括图形信息采集和辅助信息采集)、信息加工和信息传输的整个信息处理的工作流程,同时结合自动控制技术和选择合适的控制系统,展示了一般二维数控切割机床的控制原理。
Application of digit control technology and CAD on digit control incision machine was related,To introduce the whole course of processing information from collecting information,which includes collecting auxiliary informa- tion and graphics information,to processing information and communicating information.At the same time,Com- bining the autocontrol technology and selecting the appropriate controlling system.The generally control principle of two dimension digit control incision machine was showed.
Journal of Harbin Bearing