应用Fenton氧化与絮凝结合预处理难生物降解的糖精钠生产废水 ,进行H2 O2 投加量、FeSO4 投加量、氧化pH值、氧化时间、絮凝pH值等 5个因数正交试验 ,结果表明 ,原水的BOD5 /CODcr由 0 .1 5提高到 0 .4 9,同时去除CODcr4 0 %左右 。
In Fenton agent oxidation and coagulation pre-trea tm ent of saccharin sodium produced waste water,the crossed experiments are made in cluding five factors,such as dosage of H 2O 2 and FeSO 4,the value of oxidati on pH and coagulation pH,oxidation time and so on.The results show that the valu e of BOD 5/COD cr is raised from 0.15 to 0.49 and simult aneously the removal rate of COD cr is 40%.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection