

A Discussion on the Important Value of Medieval Epitaph to the Compilation of Dictionary
摘要 中古墓志对于辞书编撰富有重要意义。首先,运用中古墓志可订正辞书释义之不足,《汉语大词典》等辞书,时或囿于某词固有含义的束缚,而忽视其在新语境中的变化或对词义的研究不够透彻,故造成释义失误;此外,辞书编者因未获得详尽语料,释义时以偏概全,词的外延有时定得过窄。其次,墓志当中不乏颇具特色之词,此类词不仅为辞书所失载,而且在他类典籍中也很罕见,这对辞书增补词条、义项具有参考价值。再次,中古墓志对词源上溯大有裨益,中古典籍浩如烟海,相形之下,佛经、小说、史书等典籍探究较多,而墓志则不被重视,故尚存诸多未发掘之材料,笔者发现现行辞书书证滞后之例至少当以百计。 Medieval epitaph is of great value on the compilation of dictionary.First,using medie- val Epitaph can correct the defects of the paraphrase of words and expressions in dictionary,such as Hanyudacidian.Neglecting the changes of words' meanings in the new context,or incompletely studying on words' meanings often causes the incorrectness of paraphrasing because of the limitation of words' inherent meanings.Besides,owing to the insufficiency of the linguistic materials,compliers often cannot give all-sided paraphrasing of the words and expressions,and the extension that they for mulate is too narrow.Second,there are many words of distinguishing characteristics in epitaph. which are not only unrecorded in dictionaries,but also infrequent in other ancient codes and records. It is of great bibliographical value for supplementing the lexica and item of the words and expressions. The last but not the least,medieval epitaph also plays a great role in tracing the derivation of the words and expressions.Compared with the comprehensive study of Buddhist scriptures,novels,his- torical records and so on,there are numerous linguistic materials of Epitaph which are ignored and disused in compiling dictionaries,just as we have found out there are hundreds of illustrations that the compliers of dictionaries give behind the time that the words and expressions appeared.
作者 罗维明
出处 《语言科学》 2004年第2期83-91,共9页 Linguistic Sciences
关键词 墓志 辞书编撰 词义 词条 汉语 Epitaph dictionary correctness complement trace
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