交通流诱导是智能运输系统的核心内容之一。目前 ,该项技术已基本成熟 ,但也存在着诸多的问题 ,如诱导策略单一 ,缺乏实用型动态交通分配综合模型与算法 ,实施成本太高 ,等等。因此 ,深入地研究解决上述问题的办法 ,对于建设适合中国国情的交通流诱导系统是十分必要和有益的。
Traffic stream guidance is one of main components of an intelligent transportation system. The techniques have significant capabilities,but are also expected to solve multiple problems. These include a simple traffic stream guidance strategy;development of a comprehensive model;and methods of volume counting for practical dynamic traffic allocation. There is also the issue of the high costs inherent with such a system. Therefore,research is urgently needed to help find a system that is appropriate for China.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College