文章认为最高人民法院对交通肇事罪的司法解释是对刑法典关于交通肇事罪犯罪构成的修改 ,这种修改导致对某些交通肇事犯罪无法追究刑事责任 ,是违法的司法解释 ,文章同时认为交通肇事后“因逃逸致人死亡”包括过失致人死亡和故意 (间接故意 )杀人两种情况 ,明知他人受伤而逃逸导致的“死亡”结果不能作为成立交通肇事罪的客观方面要求的结果。
The author thinks that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the traffic law concerning traffic accident is wrong because it has changed the constitution regarding crime related to traffic accidents. Second, the author claims that escape resulting in the death of another person includes the cases of homicide with indirect intention and negligent homicide. Finally, the death of another person resulting from escape is considered not necessary condition constituting crime in traffic accidents but condition about sentencing discretion.
Journal of Jiangsu Polyetchnic University:Social Science Edition