作为一个自觉的文学流派 ,19世纪现实主义文学是否存在 ,这是近年来评论界争论的焦点。本文梳理了否认现实主义文学流派存在的新派理论观点 ,并以此为基础 ,从 19世纪社会变革而导致的一种哲学精神和人的观念变化的角度 ,粗略地推演了 19世纪现实主义文学的艺术特征 ,肯定了它作为继浪漫主义文学之后的西方文学主流的存在 ;并针对自然主义文学取代现实主义文学的观点 ,简单勾画了自然主义文学和现实主义文学的区别。
Whether realistic literature in the nineteenth century existed as a conscious school of literature has been the point at issue. The paper firstly sorts out points of new theory which deny the existence of realistic literature, then deduces characters of realistic literature from point of the change of philosophy and idea about which social change in the nineteenth century brought. Above this, the paper concludes that realistic literature existed as main literature trend after romantic literature. In addition, the paper describes the difference of natural literature and realistic literature against the view which natural literature can replace realistic literature.
Journal of Dalian University