
鱼类废弃物低温自溶回收液的脱苦及其在鱼糜制品中的增鲜作用(英文) 被引量:8

Debittering Autolytic Extract from Fish Wastes and Application of the Extract in Flavoring Surimi-based Product
摘要 为了有效利用海产加工废弃物中的有益成分,将富含氨基酸、肽类及其他鲜味成分的双鳍舵鲣鱼废弃物的低温自溶回收液开发成一种全天然的增鲜剂,本文对回收液的脱苦方法和应用前景进行了研究。结果表明,回收液通过低浓度的活性炭(0.25%-1.0%)处理即能达到很好的脱苦、脱腥及脱色效果;而采用高岭土时,即使处理浓度达到10%其脱苦效果仍不明显。进一步研究显示,经0.25%活性炭处理后的回收液含氮类有效成分的吸附损失率小(低于10%),具有较强的鲜味,几乎没有苦味和腥味等不愉快味道。将此回收液添加到漂洗过的鱼糜中试制鱼丸,同添加味精的鱼丸相比较,无论在外观、色泽、气味和口味等感官品质方面都没有明显的差异。可见,经0.25%活性炭脱苦处理后的鱼类废弃物低温自溶回收液可以作为味精(化学增鲜剂)的替代物用于鱼糜制品中,起到同味精等效的增鲜作用。 For the development of a natural food flavor enhancer from fish wastes, active carbon was utilized to improve the taste of the autolytic extract prepared from fish wastes by reducing its bitterness. Results show that bitter taste and brown color of the extract could be effectively reduced after the extract was treated by 0.25 %~1.0 %of active carbon. After debittering and decolorization, the autolytic extract had a strong umami taste without bitterness and other unpleasant aftertaste and could be used in flavoring surimi based products.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2004年第1期98-103,108,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 ItemsupportedbyaGrant-in-aidforscientificresearch(B)(No.08456105)fromtheMinistryofeducation science sportsandcultureofJapanBiography
关键词 鱼类废弃物 鱼糜制品 脱苦 脱色 增鲜剂 活性炭 回收液 debittering decolorization autolytic extract flavor enhancer surimi-based products
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