为了认识北京城区野生草本植物的构成特点和变化趋势、保护城市植物多样性、改善北京城市生态环境、提高北京绿化水平 ,对北京城区内五环内的野生草本植物进行了抽样调查、标本采集、分类鉴定和研究分析。结果表明 :①北京城区五环内共有野生草本植物 4 3科 12 7属 2 0 2种。②城区常见的野生草本植物资源按其用途主要分为 :药用植物、观赏植物、食用植物 3大类。③城区应该重点保护的 2 7种植物主要分布在重要值为高 (重要值指数 >0 0 1)和中 (0 0 0 1<重要值指数 <0 0 1)的 2个级别中 ,包括地被植物、早春植物和垂直绿化植物。
In order to recognize the structure characteristics and development trend of urban herb plants,improve urban environment and enhance the level of urban virescence landscape,the herb plants in the Beijing zone are investigated through sampling and collecting specimens. The results show that there are 202 herb species belonging to 127 genera and 43 families within the fifth-circle road in Beijing city.Based on their usage, the herbs can be divided into three different groups:officinal, ornamental,edible plant. The 27 species that should be protected are those which have high important value,and its important value over 0.001,including coverage plants,vertical greenish plants,etc.
Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research
中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目资助 (KZCX3 -SW - 4 2 4 )