腾冲热海是中国最著名的火山地热区 ,近期区内水热流体活动异常强烈。研究区内几乎所有 95℃以上的沸泉、喷沸泉以及 1993年以来发生的 2 0余次水热爆炸点均沿NW向断裂分布 ,显示该断裂目前处于强烈活动之中。钍、氡射气测量结果确定了NW向断裂的存在和具体位置。研究认为 。
The Rehai area of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province is a well-known volcanic geothermal field in China. During the last few years, the hydrothermal activity was very strong in this area. Almost all of the boiling springs, spouting boiling springs and more than 20 times of hydrothermal explosion events since 1993 in this area are distributed along the NW-trending fault, indicating that the fault has been recently very active. The results of Th and Rn radioactive gas measurements verify that a NW-trending fault with a strike of 290° does exist in this area, and that the fault is presently still very active. The geological evidence and related research results indicate that the locations of magma chamber in the crust, the ring tectonic zone, the upwarped district of the Maanshan volcano and the Rehai geothermal field are all distributed just along northwest direction, which is roughly the same as the NW-trending fault. This may imply that the formation of this fault might be related to magmatic activity in the crust of the Tengchong volcanic region. As such, the recent strong activity of geothermal fluid in the studied area must be the surficial manifestation of the enhanced activity of deep-seated magma, to which enough attention should be paid.
Seismology and Geology
国家科技部社会公益研究专项 (2 0 0 1DIA10 0 0 3)资助