创新教育是社会经济发展的必然要求。学校是培养和造就创造性人才的摇篮 ,是实施素质教育、开展创新教育活动的重要基地。但目前 ,作为素质教育重要一环的创新教育并没有真正深入到体育教师的教学观念和具体的体育教学实践之中。着重分析了体育教师创新精神缺乏、丢失的原因 ,明确了创新型体育教师的主要特征 ,提出了创新型体育教师应具备的素质结构。
Creative education is the natural requirement of the development of society and economy. Schools are the cradle of training talents of creativity and also the important base for the activities of quality education and creative education. However, for the time being the creative education, which is one of the most important aspects of the quality education, has not been suffciently recognized by the physical teachers with respect to their teaching views and actual physical practice. This article focuses on the factors why the physical teachers in lacking and losing the creative spirit, indicates obviously the characteristics of the creative-style physical teachers and the qualification surely possessed by the creative-style physical teachers.
Journal of Anhui Sports Science