我国高等院校中文学科通用的两种中国文学史教材———游国恩等主编的《中国文学史》和朱东润主编的《中国历代文学作品选》 ,迄今已经沿用 40年之久 ,然而其中都存在着大量的知识性问题特别是实质性的错误。兹着重以其中有关清代诗人生卒年的问题为例 ,希望借此引起广大使用者的注意 ,并最好能够促成这两种教材的修订工作 。
It has been forty years since 'History of Chinese Literature' by You Guo_en and 'The Collection of Chinese Literature' by Zhu Dong_ren were chosen by the Chinese department in colleges in China as current teaching materials, bu t there are a lot of essential knowledge mistakes in them. In the article, corre ctions are given to the birth_death matter of some poets in Qing Dynasty in orde r to arouse readers attention and quicken the accomplishment of modification.
Journal of ZHEJIANG Education Institute