An Olethreutine speciesCymolomia hartigiana (Saxesen, 1840), attacking toAbies nephrolepis Max., is reported for the first time from Daxing'anling, Heilongjiang, China. The morphological characteristics are briefly re-described with illustrations. Also its damage and biology are noted. Key words Systematics - Lepidoptera - Tortricidae - Cymolomia - Daxing'anling - China CLC number Q969.429.2 - S763.3 Document code A Foundation item: This study was carried out under the financial support by KOSEF (Korea Science & Engineering Foundation) with the program of “Korea and China Young Scientist Exchange Program” (2002–2003).Biography: *BYUN Bong-Kya (1963-), male, Ph.D., Researcher in Korea National Arboretum, Korea.Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai
Carried out under the financial support by KOSEF (Korea Science & Engineering Foundation) with the program of "Korea and China Young Scientist Exchange Program' (2002 2003).