截止2002年底,保山市非公有制造林19 3万hm2,参与退耕还林造林7670hm2,投资达19548 2万元,私营企业207个。介绍了取得以上成绩的经验,分析了工作中存在的问题,并提出了对策。
Till the end of 2002, the area of nonpublic-owned afforestation of Baoshan city obtained 193 000 ha, the project area of 'Conversion of Arable Land back to Forests' was 7 670 ha, the invested funds obtained 195 482 000 RMB yuan, and the number of private enterprises achieved 207. The experiences in nonpublic-owned forestry development in Baoshan city were described and some strategies were put forward aiming at the existed problems.
Forest Inventory and Planning