芷 13 9S是利用含粳稻亲缘的三系不育系 3 9A为母本 ,两系不育系怀VS为父本采用“A×S”的杂交方式选育而成的籼型低温敏核不育系。 2 0 0 3年 3月通过湖南省品种审定。芷 13 9S在湖南完全不育期 60d以上 ,不育期间不育株率 10 0 % ,花粉败育率10 0 % ,套袋自交结实率为 0。株型较紧凑 ,叶片窄直 ,育性转换稳定 ,不育起点温度低 (2 3℃左右 ) ,柱头外露率高 ,抗病性好 ,米质较优 ,配合力强 ,繁殖产量高。所配组合熟期较早 ,结实率高 ,穗多 ,米质较好 ,表现出较强的杂种优势。
Zhi 139S is a new indica-type thermo-sensitive genetic male sterile (TGMS) line in rice with a low critical sterility-inducing temperature (CSIT). It is developed from crossing 39A (as the female parent), a CMS line with japonica relationship, to Huai V S (as the male parent), a TGMS line, by the hybridizing pattern of ″A×S″. It was certified by Hunan Crop Variety Release Committee in February, 2003. Zhi 139S has more than 60 days of a continual period with complete male sterility, when it shows 100% of male sterile plants, pollen sterility and spikelet sterility, in Hunan Province. It has the characteristics of moderately compact plant type with erect and narrow leaves, stable fertility/sterility alteration, low CSIT (about 23℃), high stigma exsertion rate, good disease resistances, relatively good grain quality, high combining ability and high yielding capacity in its multiplication and hybrid seed production. Deriving from it, some promising F_1 hybrids have been developed and they show strong tillering ability, early maturity, high seed-setting rate, good grain quality and high-yielding ability in various trials and experimental productions.
Hybrid Rice