针对水敏、低压抽油机井热洗伤害问题 ,引入屏蔽暂堵工艺 ,实验筛选出DCX - 0 1暂堵剂 ,在韦 2 - 4等四口井进行暂堵热洗试验 ,与抽油机井常规热洗效果相比 ,一次性减少原油损失 2 98t,取得了较好的试验效果 。
Heat cleaning of oil pumping well make formation leakage and damage serious in water-sensitivity and low formation pressure,so the shielding temporary plugging technology is adopted.By lab.test,we select DCX-01 temporary plugging agent and apply in the th-ermal well cleanout.The experiments of 4 wells in Wei2 fault block show that the loss of crude oil is decresed by 298t compared with general heat cleaning,and good economic benefit has been obtained.Meanwhile,the technology solves the problem of formation damage.
Drilling & Production Technology