甘薯高产稳产抗逆性强 ,营养丰富具有保健功能 ,劳动力密集耗水少 ,是入世后中国农产品参与国际竞争的强势作物。河北省甘薯生产具有生态、加工、区位三大优势 ,为省政府确定的五大农业新兴产业之一。未来甘薯发展应进一步推进产业化经营 ,实现种植区域化、品种专用化、生产标准化、加工规模化 ;推行无公害生产和加工技术标准 ,实行精深加工 。
In China, sweet potato, accounting for over 80 percent in world total output, has its advantage in international competition for agricultural products after China's entry to WTO, because it has the characters of high and stable yield, high tolerance to adversity, rich nutrient and health function, and low water consumption, etc. Sweet potato production in Hebei Province has three advantages in ecology, processing, and location. It is one of the five new agricultural industries appointed by provincial government. In order to realize sweet potato industrialization, it is essential to popularize regional planting, special variety, standard production,mass processing and non pollution production and processing technology to form regional advantage.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences