
聚醚类离子载体添加剂对绵羊和荷斯坦杂种牛增重的影响 被引量:5

The Effect of polyethers ionophore Additive on Gain of Wether Lamband crossbred Holsteins bull
摘要 选择体重相近的80只当年生羯羊,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组40只;选择年龄1.5-2岁,体重相近的20头荷斯坦杂种公牛,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组10头。在饲养管理一致的条件下,试验组羊、牛精饲料中按0.5%添加量分别添加聚醚类离子载体添加剂,育肥期均为50d。试验结束时,试验组绵羊平均日增重235.8±61.55g/只·d,比对照组的168.2±45.23g/只·d提高40.2%,差异极显著(P<0.01),获利增加27.02元/只;试验组肉牛平均日增重1.82±0.25kg/头·d,比对照组的1.63±0.21kg/头·d提高11.66%,差异显著(P<0.05),获利增加63.0元/头。 Two daily gain trials were conducted with 80 crossbred wether lamb (all in 1 year old) and 20 crossbred Holsteins bull (1.5-2 years old). 80 wether lamb randomly allotted into experimental-group and control-group. 20 bull randomly allotted into experimental-group and control-group. Under same raise level, the concentrated feeding stuff of wether lamb and bull in the experimental-group were added polyethers ionophore additive in 0.5% concentration. The experimental period was 50 days. At the end of experiment, the daily gain of the wether lamb in experimental-group (235.8±61.55g) was 40.2% higher than control-group (168.2±45.23g) (P<0.01), and benefit increased by 27.02 yuan per sheep. The daily gain of the bull in experimental-group (1.82±0.25kg) was 11.66% higher than control-group (1.63±0.21kg) (P<0.05), and benefit increased by 63.0 yuan per bull.
出处 《草食家畜》 2004年第1期38-40,共3页 Grass-Feeding Livestock
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区动物营养与饲料科学重点学科经费资助。
关键词 添加剂 绵羊 荷斯坦杂种牛 增重 additive sheep crossbred Holsteins bull gain
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