简要叙述了常规雷达在高斯噪声环境下检测目标时的发现概率、虚警概率和信噪比的关系 ,并在此基础上 ,结合目前很多雷达采用杂波单元平均法进行目标检测的情况 ,分析了均匀分布杂波的统计特性 ,得出了在杂波分量远大于噪声分量的检测过程中发现概率、虚警概率和信杂比三者的关系。对于常规雷达的检测理论 。
In this paper,the relations of detection probability,false alarm probability and SNR in the case the object is detected in the Gauss noise condition are discussed.On the basis of the relations,combining the object detection by cell averaging,the statistic characteristics of the clutter with uniform distribution are analysed,the relations of detection probability,false alarm probability and SCR are given when clutter is the main contributor in object detection.This is a new complementarity to the traditional radar detection theory.
Radar Science and Technology