五四新文化时期 ,胡适借助西洋统系撰写《中国哲学史大纲》 ,建立起新的学术典范 ,成为近代中国学术史上的要角。但从 1 92 0年代后半期开始 ,他的一系列开风气之先的学术著述 ,遭到各派学人或隐或显的批评指摘 ,矛头所向 ,正是以西洋统系条理本土材料的弊端。面对来自各方的批评压力 ,胡适表面不动声色 ,暗中从著述和方法两方面设法重建学术地位。这种成败同因的戏剧性变化 ,提醒后人更加注意中外文化交融大背景下学术与思想的微妙关系。
Hu Shi gained his fame as an academic impresario in the May-Fourth New Culture Movement, not only by advocating new literature and new ideas that made him famous overnight, but also by his Zhongguo Zhexueshi Dagang (Survey of the History of Chinese Philosophy) that was written within a Western framework of learning and set up a new paradigm in China. However, his pioneer academic works were criticized, overtly or covertly, by scholars of various schools. Some aptly pointed out the pitfalls of pushing indigenous materials into a Western system. Hu appeared impervious to such criticism and pressure while at the sake time striving to restore his position in academia by means of more works and revised methodology. His rise and fall, caused by the same reason, revealed to us the subtle relations between academic studies and intellectual contemplations in a context of cultural mergence.
Historical Research