长期以来 ,我国对自然垄断行业实行政府直接投资、垄断经营。由于缺少外部竞争压力 ,企业缺乏追求成本最小化的刺激 ,导致经营成本和产品价格居高不下。借鉴发达市场经济国家的成功经验 ,自然垄断行业应当进行政府管制创新 ,适当地引进有效竞争机制。自然垄断行业的有效竞争机制主要有 :特许投标竞争、区域间比较竞争和剥离直接竞争等。
In the past time, Chinese government invested in the industry of natural monopoly and managed it directly. For less of competitive pressure, the state-operated firms were deficient in seeking the lowest cost, and which led to high production costs and high products prices. Using the experience of developed market countries for reference, Chinese government should innovate the regulation and introduce workable competitive mechanism in industry of natural monopoly. There are some useful mechanisms that can promote workable competition in natural monopoly such as franchise bidding competition, yardstick competition and direct competition.
Chinese Public Administration