张哲学的一个核心思想是仁学 ,以《仁说》为代表。从胡宏问学以来 ,他一直关注、探索仁的问题。张仁学的发展和演变可分为两个阶段 :其一是从裒集旧编《希颜录》、编纂《洙泗言仁录》到修订《希颜录》为一段 ;其二是从争论观过知仁、以觉训仁、朱熹《仁说》到自作《仁说》为另一段。从《希颜录》起开始 ,至撰写《仁说》为止长达十四年之久 ,张一直开拓这个儒学核心观念 ,终于形成其独特的仁学思想。而且这一段时间是在张哲学的形成和发展过程中非常重要的一段时期。前一时期 ,他广泛搜集儒家典籍当中有关仁的孔子言说和颜子言行 ,然后取舍选择 ,确定次第 ,加点北宋理学家和他自己的见解而成的。其主要目的是让学者先了解“求仁之方” ,然后“自进于圣人之门墙”。后一时期 ,以讨论与论辩形式来检讨湖湘诸儒和朱熹有关仁的言说与观点 ,然后提出自己的仁学观点 ,以树立自己的仁学思想。本文集中讨论前一时期 ,即张早期仁学思想的形成和发展之历史过程及其意义。
One of the kernels in Zhang Shi's philosophy is the doctrine of benevolence,represented by his On Benevolence (Shuo Ren).Ever since Hu Hong consulted with him,he has been concerned about and exploring the issue of benevolence.The growth and evolution of his doctrine of benevolence falls under two stages.During the first stage,he collected,far and wide,Confucius'observations and Yan Zi's words and deeds on benevolence in Confucian classics and monographs.And then he made his own choice from among the materials,accepting this or rejecting that and giving an order of them,and combined them with certain amount of the pinion of the North-Song-Dynast Confucian idealist scholars and that of his own.Hence his own doctrine on benevolence.In so doing,his main purpose is to make other scholars know“the way to be benevolent”,and then make them “understand Confucius' doctrine of benevolence by themselves”.At the second stage,he set about to examine the doctrines and viewpoints on benevolence of the Huting scholar's and Zhu Xi's as well,and then he presented his own point of view on the doctrine of benevolence.The present paper focuses on the historical process and its significance of the growth and evolution of Zhang Shi's doctrine of benevolence at its early stage.
Confucius Studies
Zhang Shi
the Doctrine of Benevolence
the Doctrine of Benevolence at Its Early Stage
the Way to Be Benevolent