纯棉防水羽绒布经纬密度高 ,织造难度大 ,普通浆料不能满足织造上浆要求。LTZ -A型淀粉对天然纤维和化学纤维粘附性好 ,形成的浆膜柔韧平滑而富有弹性 ,对环境不会造成污染 ,并可降低织造难度 ,提高织造效率。
Because of the big density and weaving difficulty for the cotton waterproof eider down clothing, the general sizing material can not meet its sizing requirement. LTZ-A Type starch has good adhesive capacity to the natural fibre and chemical fibre,the sizing membrance is very smooth and flexible,it can not pollute the air and can reduce the weaving difficulty and improve the weaving efficiency.
Heilongjiang Textiles