针对DCS对其供电电源的严格要求 ,通过分析在线式静态交流不停电电源系统UPS的性能和工作方式 ,阐明了选用在线式UPS是DCS系统的最优电源保证 ,并结合曲线图说明了如何选择UPS及其配套电池的容量 ,最后介绍了UPS的日常维护方法和注意事项。
The article aims directly at the request of the power supply in the Distribute Control System.It clarifies that the on_line Uninterruptible Power Supply is the best power supply for the Distribute Control System through analyzing the capability and the way of the work.It illustrates how to select the capacity of the Uninterruptible Power Supply and the batteries.It recommends the safeguard and the notices of the UPS on usually.
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