《澳门特别行政区基本法》在以下三个问题上并未作出清晰明确的规定 :政府的专属提案权及行政长官的提案许可权对随后提案权的影响问题 ;澳门基本法第 75条中“涉及”一词的涵义问题 ;澳门原有法令的修改权的归属问题。对此 ,澳门特别行政区的法制实践一一给予了在特定情形下的解答。
There lacks explicit stipulations in the following three areas under the Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region. First, the impact of specific motions proposed by government organs and authority of approval for motions by the Administrative Governor on the subsequent motions. Second, the meaning of “pertinent to' used in the Article 75 of the Basic Law. And third, the authority of amendments of original laws and acts. In the process of operation of legal system of the Macao Special Administrative Region, answers have been provided in terms of particular situations.
Global Law Review