1981—1990年,采集乌鲁木齐、吐鲁番、阜康、伊宁等10余个县市的辣椒根颈腐烂死亡标本,经过病原分离与回接试验,证实新疆辣椒在6—8月份突然大面积死亡的主要原因,是由疫菌Phy tophthora sp.侵染所致的真菌性病害,通过病原鉴定,确认为辣椒疫霉菌(P.cap-sici Leon.)。人工接种,除为害茄科作物外,还侵染部分葫芦科、豆科、锦葵科和蔷薇科作物。病害发生与水源和温度有关,菌丝发育温度为12°-35℃(最适24°-30℃),孢子囊形成温度为14°-33℃(最适26°-28℃);对症状与病原孢子囊的发育过程及萌发也进行了研究与讨论。在系统探究综合防治措施的基础上,1989年在伊宁塔什库勒克乡开展承包防治示范,采用农业措施配合喷洒甲霜灵,取得了理想的防治效果。8月15日由政府组织验收调查,承包示范区疫病率为2-7%,非承包区的辣椒疫病死亡率普遍为30-100%。
The chilli pepper specimens,died of wilt,and crown rot were colletedin Urumqi,Tulufan,Fukang,Yining,Jimushear,Aletai and other counties from1981—1990.The result of pathogen isolation demonstrated that pathogeneticcause of Xinjiang chilli pepper deait in growing period was a mainly causedby a Phytophthora sp.and identified as P.capsici Leon.The result of artifi-cial inoculation showed that the fungushod a wide host range Besides solan-aceous crops,it can infect some cucurbits,leguminous and noiaceous plants.The disease.was closely related to water scentent alkoils and temperature.The temperature for hyphal devolopment was 12°—36℃ and the optimal ??temperature for growth was 24°—30℃.The temperature range for sporangialdevelopment was 14°—33℃ and The optimal temperature was 26—28c.Symp-tomatology and sporangial development process were also oktudied. The integrated control methods.was systemicly explored The controlpractice has been done in Tashikuleke village,Yining county in 1989,wherethere was high inoidence over the years.Good result was obtained by usingmetalaxyl combining with other agricultural measures. The death rate of pepper plant was 2—1% at control area while 30—100%at no treatment area.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica