
心脏黏液瘤的外科治疗 被引量:1

Surgical treatment of cardiac myxoma:A report of 12 cases
摘要 目的 :探讨心脏黏液瘤的诊断和外科治疗。方法 :1 2例心脏黏液瘤通过病史、体征、心电图、超声心动图进行诊断 ,在低温体外循环下进行瘤体切除。结果 :全组无手术和围术期死亡 ,随访 0 .1~ 6年 ,未见瘤体复发和远处种植转移 ,心功能恢复到Ⅰ级 (NYHA)。结论 :超声心动图是诊断心脏黏液瘤的最有效方法 。 Objective:To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac myxomas.Methods:Twelve cases of cardiac myxoma were diagnosed by the case history,symptoms and auxiliary,examinations including electrocardiogram and echocardiography.All the tumors were removed by moderate hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.Results:There was no operative or peri operative death.The patients didn't show signs of recurrence or metastasis during the follow up of 1 month to 6 years after operation.Conclusions:Echocardiography plays an important role in the diagnosis of cardiac myxomas.Once the diagnosis is confirmed,the patients should resort to surgical treatment as soon as possible.
出处 《蚌埠医学院学报》 CAS 2004年第2期121-122,共2页 Journal of Bengbu Medical College
关键词 心脏肿瘤 黏液瘤 体外循环 heart neoplasms myxoma cardiopulmonary bypass
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