目的 :探讨活动期瘤样钙质沉着症的临床表现、组织病理学改变。方法 :对 1 3例活动期瘤样钙质沉着症临床资料和病理特征进行回顾性分析。结果 :1 3例活动期瘤样钙质沉着症中 ,男 7例 ,女 6例 ;年龄 1 6~ 6 5岁。病程 1~ 1 1年。多发肿块3例 ;单个肿块 1 0例。结论 :活动期瘤样钙质沉着症临床表现为无痛性包块 ,发生于骨旁或关节周围 ,不累及骨或关节。X线摄片呈特征性的钙化阴影。组织学表现呈多囊性或实质性硬结节 ;囊壁内衬肉芽组织 。
Objective:To investigate the clinical manifestations and histopathologic features of the tumoral calcinosis at active stage.Methods:The clinicopathologic features of 13 cases of tumoral calcinosis at active stage were retrospectively analysed.Results:Of the 13 cases diagnosed as tumoral calcinosis at active stage,7 were men and 6 were women.The age ranged from 16 to 65 years and the course of disease was 1 to 11 years.Multiple masses were found in 3 cases and solitary nodule in 10 cases.Conclusions:The clinical symptom of the tumoral calcinosis at active stage is painless masses.The masses develope in the parosteal or juxta articular part,not invading the bone or the articulation.X ray shows characteristic calcific shadow.The pathologic manifestations are multi cystic or solid nodules.The cyst wall is lined by the granulation tissues and the internal capsular contains the amorphous calcium salt granule.
Journal of Bengbu Medical College