有关输血感染损害赔偿等医疗纠纷是近来医学界、法律界所经常涉及的话题 ,对此的研究存在着诸多的观点。本文对输血感染赔偿纠纷是否适用产品责任、是否存在侵权与违约的竞合以及无过错输血感染案件是否采用公平责任发表作者自己的观点。
Dispute on compensation arising from transfusion infection is now become a hot topic for both medical and legal profession , over which there exist numerous viewpoints. This article seeks to express author's position in terms of whether the product liability should be applied to the cases of transfusion infection, whether the concerned party may select tort law or contract law for remedy, and whether the fair liability may be applied to non-default blood transfusion infected cases.
Journal of Law & Medicine