
试论远程开放教育中教学模式的研究视点和建构维度 被引量:45

The Research and Construction of a Teaching Model for Open and Distance Learning
摘要 本文围绕远程开放教育教学模式的改革,针对教育部批准的“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”中密切相关的五个研究视点进行了探讨,说明了模式研究、模式改革和模式建构的必要性和必然性。在此基础上,提出了确立关键思路、有机融合变通、深层拓展建构的三个建模维度,试图给人以启迪。 The cons truction of a teaching model for open and dis tance learning (ODL) has to be bas ed on s ound theories. In the cons truction proces s, co-operation and collaboration are als o needed. This pa-per firs t examines the five key points in the pilot prog ram The Us e of Open Education in Human Re-s ources Training Reform, which was carried out by the China Central Radio and Televis ion Univers ity and endors ed by the Minis try of Education. Thes e points are: (1) Why is res earch into models need-ed? (2) What does a teaching model mean? What are s ome pos s ible extens ions to a teaching model? (3) What is the relations hip between teaching model reform and human res ources training reform? (4) What role does ODL play in a new teaching model? (5) What are the problems with current res earch into teaching models? The propos ition here is that the res earch into and the cons truction and reform of teaching models are interrelated. The exis ting problems in res earch are a lack of rational analys is, integ rated s tudies and applied res earch.With the above analys is, this paper points out that the cons truction of a teaching model s hould be bas ed on a clear res earch paradig m, innovative ideas and res earch and development efforts. With a clear res earch paradig m, a s tructure for different teaching activities can be formulated. Bes ides, re-forms in teaching models almos t always imply a chang e in idea. Therefore, the exis ting teaching models s hould be examined in detail s o that policy makers can combine the s treng ths of thes e mod-els and integ rate them into the practice of ODL. With the res ults from the pilot prog ram, a number of teaching s trateg ies can be extracted to formulate a bas ic framework for the cons truction of a teaching model. Res earch and development efforts are much needed in this process.
作者 徐皓
机构地区 上海电视大学
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2004年第03S期37-43,共7页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
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