目的 探讨非开放手术治疗输尿管结石梗阻导致急性肾功能衰竭的新方法。方法 对 4 8例输尿管结石并发急性肾功能衰竭者采用经尿道输尿管镜急诊逆行输尿管插管后 ,再行腔内气压弹道碎石取石或输尿管镜下内置D J管后再择期体外冲击波碎石等方法。结果 4 8例均临床治愈 ,疗效满意。结论 输尿管镜是目前治疗输尿管结石并发急性肾功能衰竭的一种安全有效的方法。
Objective A new technique for treating ureterolith with complicating acute renal failure of ureteral stone was evaluated in this paper. Methods 48 cases of ureterolith complicated with acute renal failure were treated by emergency ureteroscopic lithotripsy or by D - J in ureter of ureteroscopic and underwent ESWL lately. Results All cases were cured. Conclusion Ureteroscopic manipulation is believed to be a safe and effective method for the treatment of ureterolith with complicating acute renal failure.
New Medicine