树木当年生枝条不同部位的含硫量是:叶>树皮>木材,其数值因树种、季节而异,并与大气 SO_2浓度呈正相关。落叶冬眠枝条的皮部具有明显的吸硫能力,其含硫量与皮孔总开度及皮部结构有关。本文提出用皮部含硫量监测冬季大气 SO_2浓度的回归方程和预测图,并对沈阳部分采样点的冬季大气 SO_2污染状况进行评价,与理化监测结果完全一致。
The sulfur content in different parts of the twig the same year is different, i.e: leaf>bark >wood. Variation exis^+s in different tree species in seasons and appears to be in positive reLation with atmospheric SO_s concentration. The bark of hibernal twig of the deciduous leaves possesses significant capacity of sulfur absorption which is interrelated with the total opening of lentice[le and is also influenced by the surface structure of stems as well. This paper presents a regression equation and a calculation chart for monitoring SO_2 pollution by sulfur content detected in the bark in winter at some regions in Shenyang. The resuIts are in concert with those determinated by the physical-chemical methods.
Populus canadensis
Sulfur content in bark
Atmosphere SO_2 concentrationin winter