目的:介绍男性性行为损伤的常见类型、易患因素、预防措施及临床诊治。方法:回顾性分析1993 ~2002年诊治的37例男性性行为损伤(Sexually Related Trauma,SRT)患者的临床资料。结果:患者37例,年龄16 ~50岁,平均26.8岁,阴茎硬化性淋巴管炎4例,阴茎海绵体破裂10例,包皮嵌顿9例,阴茎系带断裂5例,阴茎金属环嵌顿2例,阴茎背深静脉破裂1例,尿道挫裂伤3例,阴茎挫裂伤3例,其中包茎9例,先天性阴茎侧弯1 例,阴茎系带过短4例,14例由粗暴性交及非正常体位性交引起,4例为口交、19例为手淫引起。分别经药物或/ 和手术治疗后好转或痊愈。结论:男性SRT主要发生在性功能旺盛年龄段,文化程度偏低,性知识缺乏,生殖器官先天性疾患,异常体位性交,粗暴性交及手淫、口交是发生此类创伤的重要因素。开展青春期前性教育,建立性咨询门诊,避免相关的危险因素,早期诊治生殖器官疾患是预防男性SRT的有效措施。
Objective: To analyse the types, risk factors and prevention of males' sexually related trauma(SRT). Methods: The medical records of 37 male patients with sexually related trauma who were admitted to this hospital from 1993 to 2002 were reviewed. Results:Of the 37 patients, 4 were found with traumatic lymphangitis of penis, 10 with rupture of cavernous body of penis, 9 with paraphimosis, 5 with frenum laceration, 2 with incarceration of penis by metallic ring, 1 with broken penis dorsal vein, 3 with urethral contusion or laceration, and 3 with penis contusion or laceration. The risk factors included low education level, scarcity of sexual knowledge, congenital genitourinary deformities, masturbation, abnormal positions of coitus, and violent coitus. Conclusion: SRT in males mainly occurrs in the sexually active young men. To prevent the SRT in males, it is necessary to promote preadolescence sex education, provide sexual counseling service and treat early related genitourinary diseases.
Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality