目的 比较烧伤湿性医疗技术 (MEBT/MEBO)和传统疗法对烧伤残余创面的治愈时间。方法 将 1991年 4月采用烧伤湿性医疗技术至 2 0 0 2年 4月治疗烧伤余创面 10 5例的治愈时间与同期收集的 10 0例用传统疗法治疗的烧伤残余创面治愈时间对照比较。结果 烧伤性湿性医疗技术 (MEBT/MEBO)组由于干细胞参与了烧伤残余创面的修复和全层皮肤再生的全过程 ,因此创面愈合时间平均 15天 ,且愈合后几乎无瘢痕 ,无功能障碍 ;对照组平均愈合时间 32天 ,愈后瘢痕明显 ,多有功能障碍。
Objective To compare of the period needed in the cure of residual burn wounds using MEBT/MEBO with traditional methods. Methods Compared the 105 cases using MEBT/MEBO with 100 cases using traditional methods from Apr.1991 to Apr.2002.Results Because of the joining of stem cells in the repair and regeneration of the whole skin,the average healing duration was 15 days and there were no scar or dysfunction.The group using traditional methods took an average of 32 days to heal and the scar was prominent.Most of them got dysfunction.Conclusion Effect of the group using MEBT/MEBO is more prominent than the comparison group.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine