目的 综合评述CT灌注成像 (CTperfusionimaging)的原理、技术要求及其在腹部影像诊断中的应用价值。方法 总结CT灌注成像的原理和技术要求 ,评价其在腹部疾病 (主要是肝脏、胰腺 )应用中所提供的组织器官微循环状况、血流动力学变化及其它参数。结果 CT灌注成像评价肝脏、胰腺病变 ,尤其是肿瘤性病变 ,除了能显示解剖形态学改变 ,还能了解血供情况、血流动力学状态等反映功能、代谢变化的信息 ,对腹部肿瘤性疾病的诊断有重要意义。结论 CT灌注成像将在腹部疾病的影像诊断与鉴别诊断、肿瘤生物学行为和严重度评价、疗效评估等方面发挥重要作用 ,具有较良好的临床应用前景。
Objective To review the principles and techniques of CT perfusion imaging and its applications in the imaging diagnosis of abdominal disorders. Methods All the relevant literatures were reviewed. The principles and techniques of CT perfusion imaging were described and summarized in detail. The functional information of a target abdominal organ (e.g. the liver and pancreas) revealed by CT perfusion imaging, such as hemodynamics and microcirculation status, was also evaluated. Results In addition to the morphologic information, CT perfusion imaging can also provide functional information about the circulation parameters of target abdominal organs. Moreover, such functional information can be generated for the neovasculature and microcirculation of tumor lesions of abdominal organs, which is very helpful for not only the diagnosis, but also the evaluation of tumor invasiveness and response to treatment. Conclusion CT perfusion imaging offers an effective method for studying abdominal disorders by providing functional information that is quite useful for the differential diagnosis and assessment of therapeutic response.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery