3[5]Valen E.Johnson.Warren Esty's review on Grade Inflation:a Crisis in College Education[M].New York:Springer-Verlag.2003.http://mtprof.msun.edu/Spr2004/estyrev.html.
4Developing your teaching portfolio, Center for Learning and Professional Development(CLPD), The University of Adelaide, Australia, www. adelaide.edu. au/clpd.
5Hannelore B. Rodriguez--Farrar, The teaching portfolio, a handbook for faculty, teaching assistants and teaching fellows, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University, USA, www. brown, edu/Administration/Sheridan_Center/docs/ teach_port, pdf.
6Developing a philosophy of teaching and learning, UCD Centerf for Teaching and Learning, University College Dublin, Irland, www. ucd. ie/teaching/teachingPortfolio_ sub/philosophy_ t&1. html.
7Christopher Knapper and Susan Wilcox, Preparing teaching dissier, Center for Teaching and Learning, 2007 (revised), Queen's University, Canada, www. queensu, ca/ctl/resources/publications/preparing_dossier, html.
8The teaching portfolio at Washington State University, Office of the Provost, Washington State U- niversity, USA, www. wsu. edu/provost/teaching, htm.
9What criteria are used to evaluate teaching portfolios? Gwenna Moss Centre for teaching effectiveness, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, www. usask, ca/gmcte/drupal/? q=node/197.
10Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent, If you've got it, flaunt it: uses and abuses of teaching portfolios, Chem. Engr. Education, 30(3), 188-189 (Summer 1996), www4. ncsu. edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Columns/Portfolios. html.