目的 探索中西医结合治疗神经根型颈椎病的有效方法。方法 将 2 0 4例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为对照Ⅰ组 (手术组 )、对照Ⅱ组 (牵引组 )、治疗组 (中西医结合 :神经阻滞、透明质酸钠、牵引、中药内服等 ) ,并给予相应治疗。结果 治疗组的治愈、有效、复发情况与对照Ⅰ组无显著性差异 ,邻椎发病情况有显著性差异 ;与对照Ⅱ组相比均有显著性差异。结论中西医结合治疗协同互补 ,可降低骨内压力、疏通骨内静脉淤滞、调节骨及软骨内外环境 。
Objective It is to explore a good method of cervic al spondylotic radiculopathy treated with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.Methods204 cases of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy were ran domly divided in to three groups, which are control Ⅰ group(operation group), control Ⅱ group(t raction group) and treatment group(integrated traditional Chinese and western me dicine: nerve block, hyaluronic acid sodium, traction, traditional Chinese drug taken orally and so on).ResultsThe situations of cure, effect and relapse in treatment group had no sig nificant difference compared with those in control Ⅰ group, but the attack situ ation of adjacent centrum had significant difference. The all situations in trea tment group had significant difference compared with those in control Ⅱ group.Conclusion Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine t herapeutics is s ynergetic and complementary. It can debase the pressure in bone, dredge stasis v ein in bone, adjust the surroundings in and out bone and cartilage and make the pressure distributing equilibrium and coordination inside of articulation.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
cervical spondylotic radiculopathy
integrated trad itional Chinese and western medicine therapeutics
nerve block