
食欲肽对摄食影响的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress of the effect of orexins on food intake
摘要 对下丘脑食欲肽功能意义的研究表明 ,其在食欲调节中处于一个重要的地位。食欲肽对动物摄食的初期反应 ,主要表现在咀嚼和胰岛素的分泌作用 ;当食物出现、食欲肽刺激时 ,动物摄食行为发生明显改变 ,而且摄食量也明显增加。食欲肽A通过延长正常饱感行为的启动来增加食物摄入 ,而食欲肽A受体拮抗剂则抑制食物的摄入 ,并促进正常饱感的启动。 Research on the function of hypothalamic orexins has suggested an important role in appetite regulation.The early cephalic phase of orexins' effect on animal are mastication and insulin secretion.It is clear that the changes of food intake occurs by orexins.Orexin A increases food intake by delaying the onset of a behaviorally normal satiety sequence,but the orexins A receptor antagonist suppresses food intake and promotes the onset of a normal satiety sequence.The hypothalamic orexins is very important when animal forges under potentially dangerous circumstances.
作者 王建 糜漫天
出处 《肠外与肠内营养》 CAS 2004年第2期100-104,共5页 Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition
基金 军队医药卫生基金资助项目 (批准号 :K0 5 0 3 18)
关键词 食欲肽 摄食行为 下丘脑 食欲肽受体 胰岛素 神经生理学 Orexin Food intake behave Hypothalamic Appetite regulation Receptor antagonist
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