目的 了解西安市教师发声器官的健康状况。方法 采用间接喉镜直接观察法 ,结合问卷和面谈方式调查。结果 发声器官疾病患病率为 31 8%。其中 ,声带粘膜病变患病率为 9 4 % ,包括声带息肉 ( 6 6 % )、声带小结 ( 2 8% )。结论 教师的嗓音保健直接关系到教学质量 ,防治教师嗓音病 。
Objective To examine the shapes of vocal organs of teachers and examine the common types and probabilities which infect vocal organ′s disease.Methods Check directly by indirect larynges copy and survey from questionnaire and interview.Results The probability of vocal organs disease is 31 8%,which was the leading disease in the group of teachers.Among that,the pathology rates occur in vocal cord disease is the highest,as follows including polyp of vocal cord (6 6%),vocal nodules (2 8%).Conclusion Keeping the fit in teacher′s vocal cord impacted on the quality of education.To prevent and cure the vocal organ′s disease must be paid attention to by the Department of Education and our society.
Chinese General Practice