
单薄层岩盐矿山钻井水溶开采技术新发展 被引量:3

New Development of Solution Mining in Thinly-bedded Rock Salt Mine
摘要 四川久大制盐有限公司长山盐矿,首次应用水平钻井技术,在威西单薄层岩盐矿体上,钻成两眼大溶腔外水平连通补救井,开创了国内单薄层岩盐矿山水平井技术应用之先河,多项技术、经济指标超过了其它类型岩盐矿山水平对接井,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 For the first time,Changshan Salt Mine of Sichuan Jiuda Salt M ak ing Co.,Ltd adopted the horizontal drilling technology to drill two horizontal ly-communicated remedy wells with large caverns in Weixi thinly-bedded rock salt deposit,which has opened up a precedent in the application of horizontal well d rilling technology in thinly-bedded rock salt mine in our country.Many technolog ical and economic indexes have exceeded the horizontally-butted wells of other t ypes with comparatively good economic and social results achieved.
出处 《中国井矿盐》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第2期21-24,共4页 China Well and Rock Salt
关键词 水平钻井技术 单薄层岩盐 水溶开采 水平连通补救井 Th inly-bedded rock salt solution mining remedy wells new development1
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