认为煤基汽油、柴油、航空煤油和石油化工替代产品具有较大的市场需求 ,甲醇、二甲醚也有一定的市场空间 ,焦炭市场正处于旺盛时期 ;大型煤液化示范工程应注重各种风险的克服和规避 ;
The technologies of coal direct and indirect liquefaction are filled with chances and some demonstration projects with these technologies are under construction or preparation. As the substitution for petrochemical products, the demand for the products of coal liquefaction is strong. And there is also a giant market demand for coke. Large demonstration projects of coal liquefaction should take all the risks into consideration, so the discussion on the development of coal chemical combined production technologies will increase the economical efficiency and anti-risk ability.
China Coal